Ralph's Book

Book CoverBusinesses often are started by entrepreneurs with an idea, a product or service, or an expertise. Many of them fail, not because the idea or product isn’t good, but because their attention is overwhelmingly directed internally – e.g., what goes into the product – when they should focus externally, always reminding themselves:

“It’s The Customer, Stupid!”

That’s the premise of Ralph Crosby’s new book, “It’s The Customer, Stupid! Lessons Learned in a Lifetime of Marketing.”

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From Chapter 5 – Building Brand Loyalty

Brand-building requires consistent positive contact with the customer.  Personal relationships with customers will give you a competitive edge, but brand-building requires even more.  You must concern your organization with the total customer experience, especially in the online marketing age in which the customer can choose to listen to your brand messages.  So, whatever channels you use to contact the customer, e.g., online or offline media, in-store or in-person, your organization should be positive and consistent in satisfying the customer.

Remember our definition of customers – “Those whose satisfaction is key to the organization’s success.”  Customers are the only things that really create value for your organization, so their loyalty is critical.  The results of such loyalty are 1) repeat business with lower cost of sales than the expense of marketing for new customers; 2) unpaid ambassadors spreading your brand message; and 3) an ongoing value of the customer over the lifetime of your relationship.